Chardonnay is one of the world’s most popular grapes, it is made in a wide range of styles from lean sparkling Blanc de Blancs, to rich creamy white wines aged in oak. Oaked Chardonnays are rich, full-bodied and often have additional oak-aged flavours of vanilla such as the Weltevrede Vanilla Chardonnay, Bergsig Chardonnay, Arendsig Chardonnay, Lords Chardonnay, baking spices, or butter. Flavours range from tropical (think pineapple or mango) in warm climate regions, to leaner, green apple and citrus in cooler climates. Unoaked Chardonnay is not what you might expect! The taste is similar to zippy styles of Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc but without “green” flavours. Depending on how ripe the grapes get, the flavour ranges from citrus and green apple to overripe peach and canned pineapple. Some of our award-winning Chardonnays include Excelsior Chardonnay, Springfield Wild Yeast Chardonnay, De Wetshof Limestonehill and many more.