Bonnievale Wines
To those looking for a real wine experience that is truly unpretentious, Bonnievale Wines promises delightful wines that consistently exceed expectations. Our passionate and skilled wine-makers can select the best grapes from a large expanse of vineyards, accessing an amazing diversity of our area’s varied terroir. We bottle only the very best of each vintage, assuring quality for the wine lover. Bonnievale Winery is home to some of the well known wines of the valley such as the Bonnievale Dusk, Mist, Dawn, Natural sweet shiraz, and the award winning Pinotage and much much more.
Our wines are as welcoming and soothing as the beautiful valley that produces them. Evocative of an elegant country lifestyle, Bonnievale wines invite you to become part of the real-life stories of the people rooted here. Bonnievale Wines is named after our quaint town. The town was founded by the visionary Scotsman Christopher Forrest Rigg around the turn of the 19th century. Rigg saw potential in the then semi-arid valley on the banks of the Breede River. He used most of his personal resources and all of his persuasive ability to sell the idea to like-minded pioneers and people seeking their fortune in the aftermath of the Gold Rush. He oversaw the construction of an irrigation canal that helped unlock the agricultural potential of the rich soils. It still provides most of the town’s water to this day.
For more than half a century Bonnievale Wines has produced wines of excellence and from the fertile land in the Bonnievale valley. Check out our wide range of Bonnievale wines and choose the one that you love, as we have a wide range that includes, Bonnievale Dusk, Dawn, Mist, Bonnievale Pinotage , Bonnievale Limited Release Cabernet Sauvignon, Bonnievale Night, Bonnievale Merlot and many more.
Sign up on our website today, search for your favourite Bonnievale Wines add them to your shopping basket and enjoy them with friends on any occasion.